BNR Membership Levels:

Student Nurse: Support for student nurses to include tutoring, writing assistance, mentorship opportunities, and more. Recruit and Retain successful students, of all levels, within the field of nursing.

Professional Nurse: Provide support and mentoring to fellow nurses with a cadre of training, webinars, and certifications to keep our members fresh and ahead of fellow nurses. Training includes: resume building, study tips for certifications, etc.

Celebrity Nurse: Support to nurses who want to become professionally paid speakers, authors, etc. and provide guidance and support, with assistance to creating beautiful presentations, speeches, and branding. BNR joins RNM Marketing to ensure nurses have tools from contracts to management team to promotion nationwide.

Entrepreneur Nurse: Support and training provided to nurses who want to go into business for themselves, provides assistance on starting your own business, webinars for LLCs, tax write-offs, support groups for entrepreneur nurses and those interested. Partnership with RNM Marketing will help nurses with website design, logos, and affordable marketing packages to include business card design, flyers, banners, and more.

Military Nurse: Support to military nurses across each corps. Assistance with award writing, OPR and Feedback reports, mentorship available. Resource sharing also available.

Community Nurse: Support and assistance with grant writing, completing 501c3 applications, fiscal management, board development training, and project management. Eligible nurses can apply for grants under the Black Nurses Rock Foundation when available.

Nurse Educator: A forum for nurse educators, professors, and instructors to provide a supportive environment to increase black nurses into higher education and improve diversity with universities and colleges.

Retired Nurse: For the nurse who is looking for her 2nd career and/or volunteer opportunities to keep her within the realm of nursing.

black-nurse-photos-2Membership Fees

All Memberships: $75 per year

Membership includes:

      • Membership Card and Certificate (allow 2-3 Weeks)
      • Exclusive access to events, discounts from RNM Marketing, access to Webinars, Support Groups, and Tons MORE.